<% Server.ScriptTimeOut=90 ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Response.ExpiresAbsolute =Now() - 1 Response.Expires=0 Response.CacheControl="no-cache" const MaxPerPage=20 dim sjs1,serph,Tname,dhname,fwfh '--------- fwfh=fwwzjc("/inc/fwpbip1.txt","") if fwfh="ER_0" then response.end end if '---------- khdfs=0 if isMobile()=true then khdfs=1 end if '---------- dim totalPut,CurrentPage,TotalPages,i,j,keyword,classid,Tnamez keyword=request("keyword") Tnamez=keyword classid=request("classid") if request("page")<>"" then currentPage=cint(request("page")) else currentPage=1 end if Tname="" dhname="" if keyword<>"" then Tname=keyword&"_" dhname=" >> 查询:“"&keyword&"”" end if %> <%=Tname%>菜谱大全 <% if khdfs=0 then %> <% else %> <% end if %> <% if khdfs=0 then %> <% else %> <% end if %>
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<% if fwfh="ER_1" then response.write "
" response.end end if if keyword="" then response.write "
" else keyword=replace(replace(replace(keyword,"'","‘"),"<","<"),">",">") sql="" if classid="" then sql=" InStr(1,LCase(title),LCase('"&keyword&"'),0)<>0 " else sql=" ( InStr(1,LCase(title),LCase('"&keyword&"'),0)<>0 and classid="& request("classid")&" ) " end if dim sqlzs,fzd fzd=" articleid,title,content,classid " sqlzs = "SELECT articleid FROM [article] WHERE " & sql %> <% set rs = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") rs.open sqlzs ,conn,1,1 if rs.bof and rs.eof then else totalPut=rs.recordcount totalnumber=rs.recordcount end if rs.close if CurrentPage=1 then sql="SELECT top "&MaxPerPage& fzd &" FROM [article] WHERE "&sql & " order by articleid desc" '总页码为1取当前页 else sqlzs="(select top "&((CurrentPage-1)*MaxPerPage)&" articleid FROM [article] WHERE "&sql '使用组合查询方式 sql="SELECT top "&MaxPerPage& fzd &" FROM [article] WHERE articleid<(select min(articleid) from "&sqlzs&" order by articleid desc) AS T ) and "&sql&" order by articleid desc" end if dim ares rs.open sql,conn,1,1 dim ls_jlzs if rs.eof or rs.bof then ls_jlzs=0 else ares = rs.GetRows ls_jlzs=UBound(ares, 2) end if rs.close conn.close set conn=nothing if (ls_jlzs<=0 or ls_jlzs="") then response.write "
抱歉,没有找到与“"&request("keyword")&"” 相关的内容。

" else if (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then Pcount= totalPut \ MaxPerPage else Pcount= totalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1 end if if currentpage > Pcount then currentpage = Pcount if currentpage<1 then currentpage=1 j=(currentpage-1)*MaxPerPage+1 response.write "
" dim iia For iia = 0 To ls_jlzs response.write "
" j=j+1 next erase ares response.write "
" end if end if response.write "" showpage() response.write "" %>
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" response.write "
" response.write "分页 " if CurrentPage<2 then response.write "首页 上一页 " else response.write "首页 " response.write "上一页 " end if if n-currentpage<1 then response.write "下一页 尾页" else response.write "下一页 尾页" end if response.write " 页次:"&CurrentPage&"/"&n&"" response.write " 共"&totalnumber&"条记录 "&maxperpage&"条记录/页" response.write "" response.write "
" end function %>