<% dim key,na,lry key=request("key") na=request("na") lry=request("lry") if na = "" or key="" Then Response.Write "��Ǹ��ѡ����ļ���Ч." Response.End end if %> eʱ��ѧϰ��Դ
  • ���������ӣ�
  • <% 'Dim strInceptFile 'strInceptFile = "swf,fla,jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp,tif,iff,mp3,wma,rm,wmv,mid,rmi,cda,avi,mpg,mpeg,ra,ram,wov,asf" 'if CheckFileExt(lry) Then 'strPath = Server.MapPath(url) 'strPath = Replace(strPath, "/", "\") 'Call downThisFile(strPath) 'else Response.Write ""&lry&"
  • " 'End If %>
    <% function geturlencodel(byval url)'�����ļ���ת�� Dim i,code geturlencodel="" if trim(Url)="" then exit function for i=1 to len(Url) code=Asc(mid(Url,i,1)) if code<0 Then code = code + 65536 If code>255 Then geturlencodel=geturlencodel&"%"&Left(Hex(Code),2)&"%"&Right(Hex(Code),2) else 'geturlencodel=geturlencodel&mid(Url,i,1) geturlencodel=geturlencodel&"%"&right(Hex(Code),2) end if next end function Function CheckFileExt(ByVal strFile) Dim ArrInceptFile Dim i, strFileExt On Error Resume Next If Trim(strFile) = "" Or IsEmpty(strFile) Then CheckFileExt = False Exit Function End If strFileExt = GetFileExtName(strFile) strFileExt = LCase(strFileExt) strInceptFile = LCase(strInceptFile) If Len(strInceptFile) = 0 Then CheckFileExt = True Exit Function End If ArrInceptFile = Split(strInceptFile, ",") For i = 0 To UBound(ArrInceptFile) If Trim(strFileExt) = Trim(ArrInceptFile(i)) Then CheckFileExt = True Exit Function Else CheckFileExt = False End If Next CheckFileExt = False End Function Function GetFileExtName(ByVal strFilePath) Dim strExtName strExtName = Mid(strFilePath, InStrRev(strFilePath, ".") + 1) If InStr(strExtName, "?") > 0 Then GetFileExtName = Left(strExtName, InStr(strExtName, "?") - 1) Else GetFileExtName = strExtName End If End Function %>