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来源:linux宝库,设计前沿收集   作者:未知   更新时间:2009-02-05
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  OSPF and BGP Cisco Router Practice
  Please refer to the diagram for the router connections. This is only a practice test of course, but please record your time for each section because as you know time & stress will be your enemy when you take the CCIE lab for real. If you approach things logically you will save a lot of time and confusion. The pre-lab document has some suggestions you might want to consider. If you take the time to look at our configurations for the labs you will notice that we try to use logical addressing in all our configurations for all protocols. We highly recommend you use logic in all your network addressing. This will make troubleshooting and configuration much easier.
  This lab has heavy emphasis on OSPF and light emphasis on BGP.
  Cisco Router Lab Configuration Tasks
  Section One - 15 mins
  1. Configure a IP host list for a reverse telnet session into each router. This is done on R2 the Cisco 2511.
  2. Configure the Cisco IOS so that it will not try and resolve hosts (i.e. typos) via DNS.
  3. Turn off logging to the console.
  ---You will find that items 2 & 3 will save you time. You may have to turn them back on for troubleshooting or to complete configurations.
  Section Two - 5 hours
  At the end of this exercise please verify connectivity to all ports. Also verify that all IP routes appear in the routing tables.
  Task One
  1. Configure R7 as a frame-relay switch.
  2. Connect R1, R2, R3, and R5 over the frame-relay. Configure R1 using subinterfaces. Configure R2, R3, and R5 without using subinterfaces. Use only one PVC on R2, R3, and R5. The recommended DLCI numbers 102,201,103,301,105, and 501 are indicated on the drawing.
  Task Two
  1. R1, R3, and R5 should share network 10.10.X.X on their frame-relay interfaces.
  2. R1 and R2 should share network 10.20.X.X on their frame-relay interfaces.
  3. R1 should have network 10.1.X.X with a 9-bit subnet mask on its Ethernet interface. (The mask should be Use subnet-zero here.
  4. R2 should have network with a 24-bit mask on its Ethernet interface. R2's Ethernet interface is already set at and should always be left that way.
  5. R3 should have network 10.3.X.X with an 8-bit subnet mask on its token-ring interface. (The mask should be
  6. Use network 11.1.X..X between R5 & R6.
  7. Use your discretion for the rest of the addressing. It may, however, make sense to read to whole lab before you arbitrarily assign addresses
  Task Three
  1. Configure OSPF area 0 on the frame-relay interfaces between R1, R3, and R5.
  2. Put R1's Ethernet in area 1
  3. Put R3's serial 1, and all of router R4 in area 3. Make area 3 a totally-stubby area.
  4. Put R5 and R6's Ethernet in area 4. make this area a NSSA (not-so-stubby-area) Make the default OSPF cost 20.
  5. Configure R6's serial 1 and R7 for EIGRP.
  6. Put R2's serial 0 and R1's S0.1 in OSPF area 5.
  7. Redistribute all routes so that you can see all routes from everywhere. Make sure you can ping everywhere..
  8. Summarize the routes from EIGRP so that all the networks appear as one route to the rest of the OSPF routers.
  9. When you redistribute EIGRP into OSPF make these routes appear as type-1 external routes.
  10. Configure a default route on R1 and configure such that all other OSPF routers see it a a default route.
  11. Configure a loopback on R1 at Don't put this route in any routing tables. make sure you can ping the loopback from other OSPF routers.
  12. Create two loopbacks on R3 with networks that could contain at most 30 hosts. Put the loopbacks in one area and summarize such that one route appears for both loopbacks.
  13. Put the Ethernet on R2 in area 10.
  14. Configure simple password authentication in OSPF area 4.
  15. Change the OSPF hello interval on R5 to 20 seconds.
  16. Use the IP OSPF priority command on R5 to make it become the DR for area 4.
  Section Three - 2 hours
  Task One
  1. Put R4 in BGP AS 1 and R3 in BGP AS 2. Create two static routes to null0 using a class A address with a 24-bit mask on R4 and inject into BGP such that R3 can see it. Use loopbacks as the update source on both R3 and R4. Create loopbacks if necessary.
  2. Filter one of the static routes with a route-map statement on R4.
  3. Configure BGP on R4 such that the subnetted class A route is seen. For example, the BGP route on R3 could be not
  4. Configure a second loopback on R4 at and enable RIP on this router for this network. Inject this route and the previous one with a metric of 5.
  5. Configure routers R2, R1, and R5 in BGP AS 3.
  6. Create a static route on R2 null0. Inject this route into BGP.
  Configuration File for R1
  Current configuration:
  version 11.2
  no service password-encryption
  no service udp-small-servers
  no service tcp-small-servers
  hostname r1
  ip subnet-zero
  no ip domain-lookup
  interface Loopback0
  ip address
  interface Ethernet0
  ip address
  interface Serial0
  no ip address
  encapsulation frame-relay
  ip ospf priority 200
  bandwidth 2000
  no fair-queue
  clockrate 2000000
  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
  interface Serial0.1 point-to-point
  ip address
  ip ospf network broadcast
  ip ospf priority 200
  bandwidth 2000
  frame-relay interface-dlci 102
  interface Serial0.2 multipoint
  ip address
  ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
  ip ospf priority 200
  bandwidth 2000
  frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
  frame-relay map ip 105 broadcast
  interface Serial1
  no ip address
  router ospf 1
  network area 0
  network area 1
  network area 5
  default-information originate always
  area 5 virtual-link
  router bgp 3
  no synchronization
  neighbor remote-as 2
  neighbor remote-as 3
  neighbor route-reflector-client
  neighbor remote-as 3
  neighbor route-reflector-client
  no ip classless
  no logging console
  line con 0
  line aux 0
  line vty 0 4
