1.Look at the picture.
Drag and drop question. Drag the items to the proper locations.
Correct Answers:
2.Look at the picture.
Drag and drop question. Drag the items to the proper locations.
Correct Answers:
3.One of the activities in the Voice over WLAN Assessment service component of the plan phase involves analysis of the existing WLAN environment. Which one of these choices includes some of the tasks in this activity?
A: Verify Device Access Security in the Customer Network, Perform an RF Site Survey, Identify Network Infrastructure Gaps and Remediation Plan.
B: Perform Gap Analysis According to Leading Practices, Compare Customer Processes with Operational Leading Practices for WLAN, Identify Legacy Application Integration Requirements.
C: Identify Potential Interference Sources in the Designated Band, Determine Noise Floor and Signal Strength, Place Test Access Points in Proposed Locations.