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Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial
来源:网络   作者:   更新时间:2012-09-06
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  We will start with the following image:

Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial

  We are going to use the Heal tool (Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial) to clear the skin in this photo.

  We will use a brush Diameter of 15px and a Hardness of 0%, and zoom in to the problem areas. Once we are zoomed in, we an move around by holding Spacebar and clicking and dragging. The way we use the Heal tool is to first hold Alt and click to choose a source. Then we can paint as normal to paint using the source we set. This means that we need a source that matches the skintone where we are going to heal. So we hold Alt and choose a source:

Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial

  Then we paint on the problem area. You will notice that it might be a little too dark at first:

Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial

  But when we stop painting, PhotoShop will adjust it to blend it in as best it can:

Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial

  We can repeat this process for all the blemishes in the photo. It is best to keep the brush smaller rather than large to cover smaller areas. This way we keep the detail of the image, but we need to make sure we select the correct sources for the Heal brush. After healing, we have something like this:

Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial

  When we are done, if we find that there is too much color variation on the healed areas, and it isn't blended very well, we can use the Spot Healing tool to rectify this. Simply choose this tool, select a similar diameter and hardness to what you've been working with and paint over the areas that aren't blended in so well. This tool does not need a source. It will attempt to heal the area using pixels surrounding it.

  After using the Spot Healing brush, we have this:

Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial


Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial


Photoshop How to Fix Blemishes in Photos Tutorial

