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Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图
来源:网络   作者:   更新时间:2011-11-05
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  据我的一位朋友透露,Windows 7现在已经开发到Build 7000了。此前,我也曾发布了一系列Windows 7 Build 6956的截图,但现在想来那些截图并未能确切体现Windows 7的UI。下面你们将要看到的是Windows 7 Build 6956中新的Windows Explorer,新的Action Center,新的示例图片,新的内置主题,新的IE8兼容模式以及其他一些好东西。

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图

  Windows 7 Build 6956新一轮截图


  I had previously published a number of shots from these builds, but in looking over the most recently leaked build, build 6956, it occurred to me that my previous shots didn't accurately reflect the most recent UI elements in some cases. This set of shots seeks to address that.

  What you'll see here are the new Windows Explorer icon, the new Action Center user experience, some new sample pictures, some preinstalled Windows Themes complete with slideshows, the new Compatibility View updates option in IE 8, and a few other goodies. Enjoy.

